Get tutoring every month as a part of any subscription plan!
Courses offered:
Electrical Engineering
electronics 1
logic design
electromagnetic fields
control theory
Mechanical Engineering
fluid mechanics
vibrations and control
fe exam tutoring
a 30 hour course dedicated to reviewing every section of the fe exam.
set up your sessions based on your schedule.
at leisure tutoring: $80/hr
full course: $2000
individual: $60/hr
Group of 2: $50/hr
Group of 3-4: $40/hr
Group of 5+: $35/hr
All prices are per student
monthly Packages:
2sessions/week (~10hr/month): $500 - save $100
3sessions/week (~15hr/month): $900 - save $180
Booking Guidelines:
For any special cases you wish for us to consider (anything against or not in the guidelines), please use the chat box.
- please set up all appointments via the chat box or email. we will have to compare availability times and agree on tutoring on a week-by-week basis.
- tutoring Appointments must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.
- All appointments may be rescheduled up to 6 hours before the appointment starting time with no penalty. Any changes made within the 6 hours before the appointment must be handled via email and will result in a $5 "Late Appointment Change" fee.
- If the student does not show up within 30 minutes of the appointment start time, the appointment will be cancelled, and the student will be charged a $5 "Missed Appointment" fee.